But what if you want an even lower price? What if you want to show your fiscally responsible side what it feels like to save more than anyone else? Well, no you can.

Slashing the Lowest Prices

Dropio is an app, available for iOS, that does exactly that. You can get the absolute 100 percent lowest prices slashed even more. I know, I was surprised too. However, the caveat here is that, instead of simply showing users the best available price for a given product, Dropio actually slashes that price down, dropping it for users to grab. It works a bit differently than other apps, but it is not hard to understand how the process goes. Inside the app, there are several Drops – events where the price of the product in question drops rapidly from the best online price. There is a “Buy Now” button, which users can tap in order to lock the current price at that instant. The price drops quite rapidly, and keeps dropping for as long as there are units available to sell. After hitting “Buy Now,” users have 10 minutes to add their payment info and complete the order. For subsequent purchases, there’s no need to input payment information, as that is done automatically. There are no charges whatsoever to either use the app or take part in Drops. The app is freely available on App Store, and users are given free time-recharged tokens to participate in Drops. So, if you want to go shopping on the cheap and have fast fingers, give Dropio a try.