But not all online marketplaces are equal, and some actually want to give the power back to merchants, so that they can control the metrics of their own customers. Bonanza wants to empower entrepreneurs for them to build their dream businesses, and has recently developed and introduced a new feature that puts customer data directly into the merchants’ hands: the Customer Marketing Tool.

This new tool provides sellers with detailed information about past buyers that can be used in future campaigns, in order to increase important metrics such as customer loyalty, which are valuable to boost sales. The Customer Marketing Tool gives merchants access to different customer info, such as usernames, purchasing history, and messaging history. The tool can also be used to create custom lists based on multiple parameters – like when a customer made a purchase, how much they spent, and what categories they made purchases from, among many others, which can then be used to craft email marketing campaigns. On their side, customers have the possibility to, at any time, remove themselves from sellers’ lists. Bill Harding, CEO of Bonanza, commented on what makes this platform different from other online marketplaces, as well as the merits of this new tool: