In celebration of the new 2015 year, Codementor officially announced the launch of a New Year’s resolution movement: Makers Year, or #MakersYear. The Codementor crew will be teaming up with Moz and Digital Ocean to launch the #MakersYear campaign. It was built specifically to help creators launch new apps in 2015 by providing resources for coding, design, marketing, and PR; Codementor estimates they’ll be able to help over 20,000 different creators and developers through #MakersYear. Long term, Liu is hoping that #MakersYear will help coders take their skills further and launch as many new projects in 2015 as they can. That, in turn, will help spark new innovation and growth across a multitude of tech sectors. We’ll keep you up to date on anything interesting coming out of Codementor and #MakersYear as 2015 pushes forward.