Clip Interactive has been at the forefront of radio’s fight for relevancy. For them, the key is to make radio as interactive as possible. With everything from viewable interviews and artist profiles to mobile compatibility and a comprehensive ad network, this technology company based out of Boulder, Colorado is equipped with an experience team, a common goal, and the necessary passion to make a difference in the entertainment landscape. While other attempts at making radio interactive focused on simply providing stations to mobile users, Clip knows that this cannot be the only attempt to bring radio back. They have provided an interactive platform that allows you to engage with contests, interviews, artists, and even broadcasters without having to call in and wait on the phone for a weird delay that throws everyone off. Radio was never just about listening to music. Even in its heyday, radio was about calling in to win a contest or choosing your own adventure. It was about coming together as a family and sitting in the living room while the Lone Ranger and Tonto foiled another dastardly plot. It was about interacting with audio content like never before. And with Clip Interactive, we’re finally back to an age of radio engagement. Photo: Flickr / João Pedro Silveira Martins