And guess what? BYOD (bring your own device) is being adopted by hundreds (if not thousands) of schools. BYOD is sweeping the nation — and for good reason.

7 benefits of BYOD in education

Increases access to technology in the classroom

Many school districts don’t have the budget to implement a 1:1 program (everyone has the same device). That’s fine because most students have more current, powerful, and flexible devices than those offered by their school. So students who have their own device can bring it, and those who don’t can use the school’s.

Saves school’s money

BYOD enables teachers to implement technology in the classroom even if they don’t have the budget to give every student access to a tablet or computer. Students with their own devices are also in charge of the maintenance, so if their device breaks they are responsible for replacing it.

Focuses on a student-centered learning approach

Teachers typically teach their lesson plan and allow students to ask questions throughout the class. BYOD now deconstructs the disparity between the teacher and students, allowing them to share information with one another.

No more illegible notes

Remember when you were in school and your teachers would breeze past powerpoint slides and not repeat what they just said? Their excuse was, “Professors don’t do that in college. I’m just preparing you for what it will be like in the real world.” Well, those days are long gone. Teachers can now share their presentations with students. Or students can type their notes. Or they can take a photo of the whiteboard for later reference. Technology now enables students to listen to the teacher and absorb the information, rather than tuning out the teacher and hurredly scribbling down the notes without proper analytical thinking and contemplation.

Collaboration between students

BYOD gives students the ability to collaborate on projects with each other. Students can access online assignments in the comfort of their own home and work on a project with a classmate. Teachers and students can even work on projects with a class from another school!

No more heavy books

Carrying 4 textbooks in your backpack was always a pain. Now with BYOD, students only need a tablet or laptop to access their textbooks. They don’t have to worry about forgetting their textbook (as long as they don’t forget their device)!

Teachers can send online quizzes

This makes the grading process a lot easier. Teachers can save time by having students take tests or quizzes through an online software, which automates the grading process if it’s multiple choice.