There’s been a spike in activity between businesses and consumers that are mobile-friendly. Whether it’s an effect of the rise of social media consumption, or a response to the shift in common business practices, the message is the same – it’s important that businesses get a handle on where consumers are in order to make themselves more attractive. At a conference recently, Facebook’s Head of U.S. E-Commerce Jeremy Lewis shared his enthusiasm for the evolution of e-commerce into mobile, further proving the company’s dedication to mobile users. At the event, he says: Facebook is currently leading the charge when it comes to transitioning many traditional digital businesses practices to match the new needs of consumers and the pace of the industry. And smaller digital businesses would be wise to heed this advice – especially if it makes the difference in staying afloat in this market. While e-commerce has been around for quite a while, transitioning it to fit the new needs of the digital consumer is proving to the most challenging task yet. And to stay relevant in an ever-changing industry such as this means remaining adaptable to the shifts in the new industry normal. If companies fail to match the nearly 70 percent of millennials logging on with their mobiles rather than their desktops, they will soon find themselves on the losing end of a battle that has already been won. Image Credit to Stocksnap.