The best thing you can do to make sure you’re sustaining and growing your audience is to develop a template that you can follow to quickly and easily create the ideal blog post. Once you’ve prepared and honed your approach to with a blueprint to create blog posts, you’ll find that it becomes more habitual. You’ll be able to focus more on the content aspect of blogging, and less on the logistics. Below are a few tips that will help you create your own customized template or format for technically-driven blog posts, whether you write on complex subjects or you review the latest in tech innovations:

Know Your Audience

This is always one of the top recommendations bloggers should take to heart, and it holds particularly true when you’re writing technical posts. If you don’t know your audience, you’ll have no clue how to structure the rest of your post. Knowing your targeted audience is going to let you know not only the type of content that will resonate with them, but also how you should structure it, the tone and language you should use, and how to answer the questions or challenges that are most relevant to their lives. Creating audience personas can be standardized, just as the rest of your blogging template is. Create segmented personas for each separate element of your targeted audience, and keep them handy when you’re creating all of your posts. Not only does having highly specific audience personas make your writing process simpler and more straightforward, but it can also help you with your SEO because you’ll have a better idea of how to deliver the content your targeted audience is searching for.

Focus On Interests Rather Than Expertise

People can become discouraged with the notion of technical blogging because they’re afraid that if they’re not an expert on a complex subject, they won’t be able to write about it. That’s not true, and any blogger has to do some pretty significant research before diving into a post in most instances. The best thing you can do when you’re blogging for a tech audience is to base your topics and posts not only necessarily on what you’re an expert in, but what interests you. When you’re interested, you’re going to be more compelled to write the posts as well as to do the necessary research to ensure they’re factual and authoritative. There also tends to be a sense of enthusiasm when the writer is interested in the topic at hand, and that can translate to really great posts that readers can connect with.


Think About the Visuals

When you’re writing a tech blog, you might think your audience doesn’t care about the aesthetics of the post. Your thinking is wrong. Even without realizing it, almost every blog reader is going to be more drawn to a post that’s well designed, than they are to something that’s just one long block of text. Create a technical blog template that includes plenty of white spaces to give readers’ eyes a break, but also leave spaces for images. By incorporating images, it’s not only just more fun to look at it, but it can provide illustrative examples to the points you’re writing about.

Develop Your Own Voice

There are a lot of technical blogs on the internet, and bloggers in this area tend to struggle because they don’t know how to differentiate themselves. The best thing you can do is create a format that allows you use your own voice. Learn who you are as a writer and then add your flair to your technical posts. This is the best way you can set yourself apart from the competition and also establish a brand and a following for your blog. Just because you’re writing on technology or technical subjects doesn’t mean you can’t take your own creative license with your posts and develop a style that’s all yours. Once you have a blog template in place, it will become easier for you to cultivate your voice and unique writing style, because you won’t be as worried about things like formatting.

Keep It Simple

The word “technical” doesn’t automatically equate to an overly complicated post. This is one of the biggest mistakes so many tech bloggers make. Just because people are interested in technical or technology-based subjects, doesn’t mean they want to read content that’s overly complex, long-winded, or that uses indirect language. The reason blogs appeal to people is because they are simple and easy-to-read. These benefits don’t need to be lost just because you’re writing for a technical audience. Keep your language simple and readable, and design a blog template with a format that breaks up paragraphs with clear headings and also keeps chunks of information short and easily digestible.