As you might expect, people aren’t thrilled to hear about yet another massive tech company’s lack of boundaries when it comes to information that they consider private.

Why It’s a Privacy Concern

Storing any customer data without any clear justification can be considered a violation of certain internet protocol standards, like the UK’s 2017 law, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Specifically, saving the data indefinitely as a policy might bump up against the “Storage limitations” principle of GDPR, which holds that data should be removed once it is no longer required.

Can Alexa’s Policy Survive the Digital Privacy Wave?

However, the general public is becoming more vocal about how huge tech companies are using their data. As awareness grows, companies are responding: From Apple and Google’s campaigns for better digital well-being to Facebook’s seemingly endless data scandals, companies are finding new ways to address public push-back against tech overreach. Whether their response will go so far as to give consumers the data privacy they want? Eh, we’ll see. In the meantime, just remember that your Alexa is listening to everything you tell it. Read more of the latest tech news on

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