One Technologies provides online marketing services and products in the direct-to-consumer credit monitoring industry. Much like some of the marketing services the company offers, One Technologies manages to acquire new customers by methodically going down various marketing channels: from SEO and paid search, to affiliate marketing and partnerships. When asked how the company manages to keep expanding its business after 12 years, Chang (currently the chairman of One Technologies) responds that when it comes to growing a company, it all “comes down to focus.” Once you find a business model that works, there’s no reason to change it – so just replicate it and keep the focus on that one thing. Indeed, this strategy has worked tremendously well for One Technologies, which has no plans to expand beyond the core credit reporting space anytime soon. As for Chang himself? He sees an opportunity in wine: getting wine from the small vineyards and to the masses. Considering the success of One Technologies, I’m sure that Chang would lead the growth in that market, too. Here’s the video: [youtube]

Alex Chang Talks About One Technologies and Growing a Company - 39