But technology has also brought a selection of tools that can help. These solutions will identify the news that interests you and deliver that news to your mobile device or PC each day. Here are a few of the top tools to help you learn about tech trends as early as possible in their development.


Often the best sources of breaking tech news are the experts who closely follow the industry. Frontpageit delivers the content being shared by the top experts in a particular field, giving you the information most relevant to your own interests. Instead of combing through pages of status updates, you’ll get a personalized news feed, filled with information that has been shared by some of the most respected people in business today.

Appy Geek

Tech news can be tricky to navigate. There are numerous magazines and websites, each with its own specialization. With Appy Geek, you’ll get news articles from some of the most trusted sources in the industry, personalized to your own interests. You can even set up alerts to ensure you’re notified of any breaking news related to your favorite topics. News is curated from such trusted sources as Engadget, CNET, TechCrunch, and The Verge.


Imagine picking up a magazine filled with stories that are specifically geared toward your own interests. Flipboard’s goal is to be that magazine, delivering stories selected by people who like the same stories as you. Stories come from sources like The New York Times and The Wall Street Journal, saving you the trouble of browsing all of these publications to find the one story that piques your interest.


Some of the best projects started on Kickstarter. Inventors post their great new products and take early orders to gauge interest. By watching the site’s technology section, you can quickly learn about projects before anyone else knows about them, like the NFC smart ring and the world’s first amphibious heart rate and fitness wearable. You can either share these exciting new products with your own online followers or buy one for yourself, to be delivered once production is in motion.


Gizmag is a great informational source for those who are specifically interested in keeping up with the latest inventions. Breaking news about 3D printers, computers, robotics, drones, smartwatches, and more are all posted on the site on an ongoing basis. In addition to gadgets and electronics, the site also profiles new apps, as well as posting objective product and software reviews.

Ted Talks

Some of the most interesting inventions have been introduced during a TED Talk, but you don’t have to attend one of the conferences to learn about them. TED, which stands for Technology, Entertainment, Design, has more than 200 talks on its website, with several posted each month. Technophiles will want to bookmark the site’s technology section to keep up with the latest news specific to that industry.

 Apple News App

This new app from Apple delivers customized news about technology directly to a user’s iPhone or iPad. You’ll choose the publications you like most, then begin reading. As you read, the app takes note of the stories you’re most interested in and goes out in search of similar stories. The result is a personalized news-reading experience that keeps you fully informed. You simply open the app and choose the publications you want to add to your favorites to begin creating your personalized experience. By staying ahead of technology, you can improve your conversations and excel in your career. With the right tools in place, you won’t have to spend hours searching for the story you need. You’ll have the relevant information delivered directly to you on a daily basis, saving time so that you can continue doing all of the other things you enjoy.

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