Being primarily a digital form of art, graphic designers heavily rely on apps and electronic devices for their work. Some of the popular app choices of graphic designers include:


Developed by a private company called Evernote Corporation, this app is a cross platform primarily used for note making, archiving and organizing. While it may not seem conspicuous to have a note-taking app in a list for graphic designers, this app is in fact indispensable. Evernote is possibly the best out there to help you gather your thoughts and ideas and then bring them to fruition.


This app is available on Apple devices doest cost a bit of money: $4.99, to be exact. However, this app is a favorite among designers, primarily because it’s compatible with Photoshop so designs conceptualized on a smartphone can be finished on a desktop. Furthermore, this app offers a multitude of editing tools and allows up to five layers. Not too shabby for a mere five bucks.


A known issue with graphic designing applications, in addition to cost, is the location filters. While some brands come up with plans that allow designers to use their apps on short term basis, most users wouldn’t prefer it for mobile applications. Furthermore, location filters also prevent the use of these applications. This is where TutuApp becomes useful, to help bypass these limitations.

Adobe Photoshop Touch

Adobe Photoshop needs no introduction. Every designer and editor under the sun is familiar with this graphic design powerhouse, no matter how amateur how professional you might be. Adobe Photoshop Touch is available on both Android and Apple operating systems. However, it is a paid app for Apple users ($4.99). The app encompasses most of the core features that are present in the desktop version. It comes with the ability to share designs and sync across devices making it an efficient and indispensable tool for designers.


Designs, once made, must be credited to the creator. And in today’s world of plagiarism, graphic designers are hellbent on watermarking their creations and justly so. This payable app is available in the Apple Store and comes at a nominal price of $ 1.99. This app allows users to customize watermarks, logos and even allows for Geotagging and multiple typefaces.


Graphic designing is not only about images but words as well. The fonts must look appealing and this app by Monotype Limited is the perfect choice. It manages to give users access to fonts from various reputable sources like, Adobe Typekit in one place. Designers have the liberty of creating style guides using this app as well, opening the door for scaling and expansion.


Once the creative part of graphic design is done and dusted, there remains the business side of things and it would be remiss of us not to mention this app by MD Interaktiv. This app helps freelance designers calculate how much they should charge for their projects taking into account a lot of variables like hours put in, previous work experience, clientele profile. Read more about graphic design on TechCo