Technology has benefited both the traveler, the traveling agency, and the supplier. The supplier, in this case, refers to the company that offers the travel services. The travel agent only sells those services on behalf of the transportation company. All these players are enjoying the advantages of the advanced technology. So what are the tech innovations that have transformed the travel industry? Here are six ways the travel industry has evolved today.

1. Online Booking

This is one of the innovations that have lifted the weight off the traveler’s shoulder. Years back, customers would have to line up in long queues as they wait to book a flight or a bus. This has been changed in the recent years, and it is now easier to travel without the need of queuing. Travelers can simply book their flights or bus tickets online. This way, the customer will end up flying when relaxed and without the pressure of going through a rough time at the terminals. It is expected that the online booking services will become better in the coming years. All this is to make it less tedious to pay for your trip and maximize your comfort.

2. GPS

The Global Positioning System is another innovation that has highly benefited the travel industry. This technological feature was first introduced in the mobile phone. However, it is currently used by travelers and travel agencies across the world. Travelers use them to explore new places which have replaced the need for a travel guide. The GPS device is a smaller and more efficient replacement of the large maps. Also, these devices are more accurate and dependable. On top of that, there are handheld GPS devices that make navigation way easier and comfortable even if you are travel, kayaking, fishing or going to places that only a few people go to. The travel agencies also place the GPS tracking devices on their car fleets. With this, they can track the vehicles wherever they are for security purposes.

3. E-Tickets

Another tech innovation that has transformed the travel industry is the electronic ticketing system. This applies mostly to the airline transport. For instance, each member of the International Air Transport Association is expected to use the e-ticketing system to their customers. With these tickets, there is no need for the customers to wait for their tickets to come via standard mail. It also works as the online booking, and the tickets will be sent to the traveler via email when they are ready to travel, or upon their request. This feature benefits both the travel agency and the traveler. On the traveler’s side, they will not have to worry about losing their paper ticket. Also, the travel agency will not have to worry about clogging up their hospitality phone system or paying for the cost of supplies like paper and printing equipment. It is also easier to handle e-tickets rather than paper tickets.

4. ID Chip for Bag Tracking

Traveling companies do not have to worry about taking the responsibility of a lost suitcase. Most of the airline and bus companies attach an ID chip to the customer’s suitcase. This way, they can use their systems to track the exact location of the bag. Customers also attach a tiny tracking device to their bags, and they control it easily through an app on their phone. In this case, the traveler will not have to go all the way to the customer support desk for help if they miss their bag.

5. Predictive Analytics

This tech innovation is being used specifically by travel companies. The travel agencies use tools and related apps to access the data from surveys. This way, they can know the previous performance or activities of the travelers, along with their activeness at a specific time of the year. They can also determine the future trends, which then helps them prepare well and devise better management, all thanks to predictive analytics.

6. Social Media Management

Social media networks dominate today’s internet world. Travelers depend on them when they want to know about the experience of a certain destination or travel agency. They also post their traveling experiences on social media. Travel agencies are utilizing this opportunity to market their services and extend their customer reach. Some also interact with their customers on the social media just to know about their satisfactions and complaints. Technology has evolved ever since it was introduced to the world. Both travel agencies and travelers will benefit from future innovations, making the overall service deliver better and faster.