MACH37 picks out the best startup entrepreneurs and coaches them in creating and launching new cybersecurity products in a 90-day program. More than one-third of cybersecurity innovation in the DC metro area comes from the startups that have passed through this accelerator program, making MACH37 a pivotal asset to the cybersecurity industry. On April 12, MACH37 announced the startups that will be entering into their Spring 2017 program. These startups, like the last forty that have graduated the program since its inception in 2013, will be introduced to successful cybersecurity entrepreneurs and experts as well as investors who are all familiar with the security market and know how to make a business in this space successful. Upon entering the program, each entrepreneur receives a $50,000 investment. The Spring program ends on June 13th, 2017 with a Demo Day, where each of the following startup will pitch and demo their product to investors, stakeholders, and mentors.

Automated DL

This company provides next generation artificial intelligence through automated deep learning. Automated DL applies cognitive learning algorithms to unstructured data to create over 400 million training scenarios in less than a second. This allows companies to create security defenses like never before.

BroadBridge Networks

BroadBridge Networks has created an affordable network security solution that allows companies to secure all data-in-transit with access control, policy enforcement, and high encryption, putting an end to cost limitations when it comes to securing data-in-transit.

Ekran Systems

This startup mitigates user-based security risks through activity monitoring of corporate servers and desktops. Ekran Systems implements session monitoring, alerting, analysis, and reporting to keep employees accountable and companies secure.


This company provides behavioral-based authentication to replace passwords. The behavioral patterns of users are evaluated and then used to verify access to applications on mobile devices.  The result is a much more secure way to protect important applications from unauthorized access and increase productivity.


SecureHome connects to the local home router to secure “internet of things” devices running on the same network.  Users of SecureHome will receive alerts when unusual behavior is taking place on their home network, preventing security breaches of important information and giving peace of mind to users.


This startup provides IT Cybersecurity to any branch office or small team.  Trovolone implements over 30 cyber security solutions along with user-friendly and customizable corporate controls to provide an easy way to maintain a high level of security within a company. MACH37 was initiated in 2013 by the Center for Innovative Technology, based in Herndon, Virginia. CIT is a nonprofit corporation that focuses on innovation and entrepreneurship in Virginia, and has been a driving force in developing new tech and innovation in the state. CIT focuses on commercialization, capital formation, market development and revenue generation services. Photo: Flickr / Perriscope