1. Always use two-factor authentication

Keep all your transactions and customer accounts safe by asking for a second verification factor in addition to standard username/password combination, to authenticate certain actions. It could be a numeric code via text message or a special code generated on a phone app like Google Authenticator. With 2FA on, breaking into anyone’s account gets much harder.

2. Enable cloud encryption

Most free cloud storage is rather easy to break into for a middle-skilled hacker (that’s, in fact, how all the personal celebrity photos end up online). For businesses cloud encryption is not an option, it’s a necessity; especially if you have a remote team accessing data from different locations and devices. It’s best to opt for a “zero knowledge” file encryption solution like SmartCryptor that allows you to securely store and share confidential files on any local or cloud based storage services such as Dropbox, Onedrive, and Google Drive. Make sure you have cloud encryption enabled for different types of devices as mobile malware is on the rise this year.

3. Ban jailbroken devices.

While it may seem like a problem to some of your users or employees, jailbroken devices undermine your company’s data security. Users with jailbroken devices have the ability to install shady apps and enable extra features onto their devices. However, these unregulated apps are a huge treat to security as they may contain malicious features.

4. Have ad-block and click-to-play tools at place

While anti-virus software, in general, keeps you protected from downloading malicious files, yet it can’t protect you from spying ads or invisible trackers you can catch while surfing the web. Adblock Plus or Ghostery will block out ads and protect your device from ad-based malware your employees can catch while browsing the web.  If you are not ready to give up on using Adobe flash which has a myriad of security issues and slows down your browser drastically, follow this guide to enable click-to-play in your browser.

5. Conduct timely firewall log checks

You do have a firewall in place, don’t you? Now, don’t forget to check logs regularly to keep an eye on traffic patterns. Is there a particular IP address that is pinging your network too often? Or one port on your setup that is spewing out too much traffic? That’s a tell-tale sign of an potential infection.

6. Conduct timely software checks and updates

To ensure max security, all software on all devices should be updated with new patches and versions once available. Secondly, say no to free software. Too often it comes with a hefty tag of unsolicited additional installs and malware. Lastly, the more software and services you run the higher the risk you could be compromised. Conduct timely software audits and ruthlessly delete/deactivate all apps and services you are not actively using.