If you think this can’t happen to you, think again. Statistics say that 65% of internet users globally, and  have fallen victim to cyber-crimes, including computer viruses, online credit card fraud and identity theft. In the United States, the number is 73% of users have been victism Now that I’ve scared you a bit, why not focus on preventing this to happening. I mean, it’s not as if we are going to stop taking those private photos anyway. Here are 5 rules to follow so you keep them safe: Delete Your Pictures If there are compromising images on your phone, find the Delete button and do it. The longer it stays on your smartphone, the more likely it will find its way off. Password-protect your phone I’m always surprised when I meet people who don’t protect their phones; it’s your own private device. It takes only takes a minute to set it up: On the Apple iOS go to Settings and turn On Passcode. On Android go to Settings and choose which Security method you prefer. If your phone is stolen or lost, no one can see your pictures. Don’t Store Your Pix in the Cloud We store a lot of important documents and pictures on the Cloud–services that store your data on a server rather than on your hard drive so you can access it from any Internet-enabled device –but maybe certain pictures you shouldn’t. You may have been storing them without noticing, since most of the time it is automatic, so you will have to change your settings manually. If you really want to keep them, why not go old school and use a regular digital camera that is not connected to the internet and save on an external drive that only you have access to. Don’t store it in the Cloud. (Viewer’s Discretion: This video may contain some adult language)

Be Smart About Your Passwords If you’re going to keep your most private information online, create a good password. Passwords are designed to keep our information safe. They’re virtual locks. A hacker may force the door and break your lock, but most of the time a strong lock keeps people out. But let’s be honest, passwords are not only annoying but we forget them all the time. I say bite the bullet and create difficult passwords. Remember: If they’re easy to remember, they’re also easy to guess. Use Secure Service to Exchange Pictures Alright, live a little! Send that sexy picture to your loved one (or main squeeze of the week). Just use a secure service like Snapchat  or Wickr and your messages and pictures will self destruct. It’s almost as if it never happened.