As with any issue that faces businesses, there’s a research report to help. “Inside Social Media: Course corrections ahead” is a paper released this year from our friends at Universum Global. Here’s a quick look at the highlights from the study on social media recruiting.

Know Your EVP

The Employee Value Proposition (EVP) is an integral element for any business using social media to drum up employees. If you don’t know what you provide, you can’t offer a clear, clean, enticing social media post. So how do you put one together?

Use Your Current Employees

Here’s a classic tip for recruiting businesses: Rely on your current employees to locate potential new ones. You’ll need to know the regulations of your industry so that you don’t step out of line, but using a few brand ambassadors can turn up the best and brightest applicants. And it’s easier said than done. From the report:

Pick the Right Social Network

Don’t try to get on all social networks. Pick the one that fits your business. The Economist, for instance, recently dumped Tumblr and Pinterest in favor of LinkedIn. And LinkedIn might not even be right for you, according to the report:

Beware Vanity Metrics

While vanity metrics are fine for getting attention from customers, they’re not a practical way to gauge your growth: What should you look for? Shares, retweets, and any analytics that tell you what demographic is viewing your pages.

Stay Visual

“Our research shows highly visual messages – whether photos, infographics, or videos – connect more effectively on all platforms.”