1. HapYak — Bringing the Editorial to Life

This powerful tool is more than it seems. If you want to add text or links to a video as an overlay, then this is a program that can help you do just that. But there’s more. How about adding data collection based on viewer response? Now you can use video media to test your market, and while you’re at it gather consumer data about your audience. By creating a system that allows for the overlay of links, texts, and pictures on video, HapYak makes one of the most interactive media formats become even more so. Explore HapYak to see how you can use it as a target marketing tool.

2. Blubbr — Yes or No? True or False? It’s All Right Here

This awesome little tool allows you to write and create quizzes on top of videos. Do you want to test your audience or maybe get into their brains? Well, now you can with Blubbr. What a great tool for marketing, but also for education: marketers and teachers can increase the interactiveness of video through the unique scheme of quizzes, which work particularly well on social media.

3. Strategy — It’s All in the Planning

Every aspect of marketing must be measurable because every marketing campaign has a life cycle. Videos that go viral are very rarely accidental, but are the result of careful planning. If you want to invest in video media as a marketing tool, then you first need to invest in a winning strategy. This strategy includes understanding social media. There is more to a successful video than just launching it. Good video campaigns need support from other marketing, such as email and social media, which are how you gather an audience for your project. So consider the what and how before you just jump right in and start shooting.

4. Natural is Key

Whatever your message is, it needs an introduction that is natural, and makes your viewers want to stay. Think of easy, spontaneous ways to get viewers to click your link, visit your site, or buy your product. A good example is: “If you liked this, just Subscribe to find more funny videos.” For many more ideas, check out one of the resource guides available for those just starting out producing videos.

5. Don’t Focus on Going Viral

The first ingredient in any video is quality. Make quality videos that your intended audience will find interesting and then let them decide whether it goes viral. Setting out to make a viral video is a much more difficult task. These are just a few of the many ideas that can help you create outstanding videos. Can you increase your marketing potential using video? Absolutely, but it all starts with planning, strategy, and the right tools.