1. Communication Between Vehicles

It would be very convenient to have a small machine that is able to provide the driver with a warning of an approaching vehicle in their blind spot. It could also help with traffic and keeping things moving as the vehicles communicate with each other when there is an issue on the road.

2. Traffic Updates on Your GPS

Whether it’s on your phone or in your car, a lot of us rely on our GPS device to keep us on track and heading in the right direction. But what if there is an accident on the route we are following? As of now, our cars mounted GPS isn’t able to tell us that so it may just guide us right into a giant traffic jam. Wouldn’t it be great if we had access to live traffic updates so that our GPS could automatically plan our route accordingly and we could avoid it all together?

3. Driver Monitoring System

Sometimes our commute to and from work can feel like a lifetime, especially at the end of the day when all you want to do is get home because you are exhausted. When you find yourself having a hard time staying awake at the wheel, a monitoring system which would track your driving habits would be able to alert you to pull over should it sense that you are having a hard time controlling the car. It would be able to monitor things such as speed, grip on the steering wheel and the overall control of the car. If you are swerving, it will tell you to get off the road. Perhaps it could even suggest the closest coffee shop or hotel for those really long drives.

4. Solar Power

As we look for more efficient and environmentally friendly options to get around, having a car that runs off of solar power would certainly do the trick. The outside of the car would be lined with a variety of solar panels to ensure that it would catch the sun’s rays no matter where it was. Even incorporating the ability to save and store unused energy for those days when the sun is less visible. Or perhaps a car which can run on water that could eventually save huge bucks in terms of fuel.

5. An Actual Compact Car

Compact cars are great for getting around. They are typically much better on gas, cheaper and can often fit in to those small little spots that the average size car can’t seem to do. How convenient would it be if a small car could actually make itself smaller after you get out? How about being able to link up with other cars of the same model to form a train of compact cars which are able to drive themselves? Technology is moving fast. That is why when demands are given, companies all over the world are eager to be the first ones to create the latest and greatest thing out there. As there is a lot of competition, make sure that you always pay attention to an industry expert’s advice, as they can provide quite a lot of insight and information on new upcoming vehicles and features.