According to his blog, Ferris, himself, claims to have kept this ritual for years: “I wrote from 11pm-4am or so, fueled by carefully timed yerba mate tea, Malbec, and Casino Royale left on repeat in my peripheral vision.” It must have worked for him since he has three New York Times best selling books. In the spirit of self-improvement, I’ve compiled a list of daily rituals undertaken by creatives, entrepreneurs and others of successful, ambitious, and productive ilk.

1. Block Out Chunks of Time for Email

Don’t go back and forth sending emails every 30 minutes. It can completely disrupt any focused work you were doing. Instead block out two or three 20-30 minute chunks of time per day to handle email.

2. Make Time to Read for Pleasure

Sure it’s great to want to learn everything you can about your industry or spend your free time reading for professional development, but if you keep that up, you’re guaranteed to burn out. Take some time every day to read a novel, a magazine, a biography, anything not work related is a good start.

3. Drink Kefir

This may seem like a bit of an odd one, but Julie Smolyansky, CEO of Lifeway Foods swears by it. She is quoted in an article on as saying:

4. Keep a Gratitude Journal

I know, Thanksgiving is over, so gratitude might have moved itself back down on your list of priorities, but the happiest people are grateful year round. Keep a gratitude journal and write in it EVERY DAY. That way, no matter how bad your day was,  you will never go to bed without having had at least some positive thoughts during the day.

5. Meditate

Mindfulness and meditation are totes trendy these days, so you might as well jump on the bandwagon. Just ten minutes of sitting still, closing your eyes, and focusing on your breathing or reciting a mantra can do wonders to reduce stress and improve your mental and physical health.