The convenience of smart home security measures is seemingly endless. From monitoring rooms to digitally locking your home, there is no end to the comfort and security you can enjoy with this technology. And if you want a crash course, check out these four technologies that can help you feel safer than ever.

Surveillance Cameras

Surveillance cameras have been in use since the early 70s as a basic system for monitoring activities in every part of the home. However, a lot of modifications have been made to improve their effectiveness and overall functionality. For example, with a surveillance camera, you can monitor the entire house through live or recorded video. In addition, some cameras are designed to send notifications when they detect activity, while others simply allow you to check in from any location through mobile apps or web browsers.

Remote Monitoring

With the gradual evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), providing home security has become a lot more interesting. This is because more appliances are being connected to one another and can be controlled from remote locations. Home security apps provide an easy way to control locks, turn on/off lights, activate or deactivate alarm systems, and access surveillance cameras. All these are connected via the cloud to a mobile device or the web. However, in using home security apps, you should make sure that they are themselves secure. In providing easier electronic access via an insecure IoT device, do ensure that the smart security devices you’re using do not put your home in more danger. If you’re using home security apps for Android for example, you have to realize that security vulnerabilities affecting Android devices could reduce performance and cause data loss.

Home Automation

With a lot of systems running in the house, the idea of providing a system that allows you to run and access other systems present in the house is quite welcome. This is what home automation is all about. Essentially, home automation rides on the back of IoT and provides a circuitry that interconnects virtually every device in the house. Its key functionality is based on communication between these devices, and their abilities to take your commands and send you information when certain actions are triggered.

Wireless Security

Most modern day security systems make use of wireless protocols for communication. In the past, when wires were used as the primary means of communication for home security systems, it was quite easy for burglars to cut off phone lines, depriving people the opportunity to make emergency calls. So in essence, wireless home security eliminates the clumsiness caused by dangling wires around the house. Instead, the wireless intercom system is used and is connected via the Voice over Internet Protocols (VoIP). The VoIP has a bandwidth that’s big enough to prevent delays in calls being made. Finally, it goes without saying that the last is yet to be seen on home security trends. The coming years will bring about even bigger technological breakthroughs. However, investing in the listed innovations would not only help to further strengthen home security, it would also increase the efficiency of everyday life. Photo: Flickr / reynermedia