While 5G is still in the early, even conceptual stage, organizations should keep a close eye and consider how they’re going to incorporate it within both their IT initiatives and their competitive business strategy moving forwards.

Improved Data Speeds

As you would expect, 5G will bring mind-boggling increases in data speeds. While 4G mobile technology is measured in megabits per second, 5G will be measured in gigabits per second. For the layman, that’s really fast. This huge improvement to data speeds will reduce download times significantly and enable customers to install and access applications in just a matter of seconds.

Boost to IoT

With the IoT (Internet of Things) market set to grow significantly within the next few years, 5G mobile technology will play a huge part in its overall success. Whether it’s connecting faster or spreading wider, the Internet of Things can only benefit from such a huge improvement in data speeds. It will help new smart devices to receive the necessary data to perform their functions on demand.

New Devices Supported

5G mobile technology is being specifically readied to support a wide range of devices, leading to improved customer interactions. It will obviously support smartphone and tablet devices which are already so prominent within the enterprise. However, 5G will also support emerging technologies such as wearables and smart vehicles, making the practical applications virtually endless for the new tech.

Increased Productivity

Providing a compelling user experience is key for every organization. On-demand access to data and applications is vital in the modernized world of today and that demand is showing no signs of slowing down. Faster network connections and more powerful devices have led to a high expectancy and 5G will ensure these expectations are met. The new technology will help optimize the customer experience and lead to increased employee productivity.