In the tech world, women founders and leaders are heavily underrepresented and it’s going to take all of us to work towards change. To start, women founders need to know that there is a strong support system throughout the country filled with people who are cheering you on and are willing to roll up their sleeves and help you succeed-so keep going! We talked with two women founders, Sara Morgan, the founder of Eleven Eleven PR and Leigh George, the CEO of Freedom, who have built a successful business and have some advice and encouragement for you ladies out there grinding it out everyday to grow your company.

Trusting Your Gut

When asked about some of the most important learning experiences while growing a business, staying lean and trust your gut were at the top of the list. Leigh reminds startup founders to stay competitive in the market and true to your brand.   [Another important lesson is to] follow your gut instinct. Whether I’m making a hiring decision or choosing which client to work (or not work) with, I have learned how important it is to go with my gut instinct, it has rarely led me in the wrong direction. If it doesn’t feel right, it usually isn’t.”

Work With Clients That Fit

Acquiring customers is one thing, but working the right customers can be motivating and help position and elevate your business.   “[As for your brand] to be successful, your brand needs to be as much about your clients as it is about you. I call it that sweet spot at the intersection of a brand’s purpose and clients’ passions.”

Be Fearless

It’s easy to look back with 20/20 hindsight and say if only I’d know now what I could have known then my business would have flourished earlier-but that’s life as a startup founder and all people can do is learn from other’s mistakes, experiences and wins. For Leigh, she encourages women to be fearless, learn from your failures and keep going. For Sara, she encourages other women founders to reach out to each other and provide support and guidance where you can.  

And Remember…

Let’s face it, women just don’t take care of themselves as they should, these founders suggest for you to start making a commitment to your health in preparation for the long marathon known as startup life.