The goal of any online business big or small is to increase their market share and score the most conversions possible. Here are 4 simple, yet powerful strategies that can boost conversions of any ecommerce website.

1. Create easy mobile checkout

Smart devices have taken over the world and as the pace of living goes faster and faster, more users prefer to shop on-the-go. Global mobile data traffic grew 69 percent in 2014 and is estimated to increase at least tenfold between 2014 and 2019 according to Cisco Systems report.Mobile traffic can generate loads of new sales if tackled correctly. Google has been ranking lower non-mobile friendly websites, so first of all – make sure your service has an easy-to-use, light weight mobile version. First of all, run a Google Mobile-Friendly test and make requested fixes if any. Secondly, to boost mobile conversions make sure you have:

big checkout buttonsask users to provide only the necessary information which is easy or fast to typelet users know how little time it will take to buy from their mobile (and make sure it does)

2.  Allow guest checkouts

Do not force your buyers to register before checkout – this is killing your conversions. Instead, allow guest checkouts and prompt them to register after the payment was made.

3. Optimize currency depending on browser’s location

A costly solution that may, however, double your checkouts. You will not lose international buyers and impatient types interested in seeing prices in their local currency and giving up once they realize they need to open a converter in order to calculate the actual product cost. This is especially true with mobile users. A cheaper solution is to code a simple calculator at the sidebar area where users can calculate the price without abandoning your website.

4.  Create a separate section for discounted goods and promo offers

A study conducted by E-tailing Group showed that 47% of online buyers would only purchase discounted products; while 62% said they firstly look at section with specials and promo offers. Not to mention the fact that numerous coupon sites taught users how not to pay a full price ever again. Browsers will always look for discounts and you need to make sure they find one on your website. You should include a dedicated section where you will specifically list all the discounted goods and new promo offers in your main menu and place additional banners featuring “now on sale” goods to attract even more clicks.