
If you do not like the idea of dealing with the functional,dynamically-typed programming language, you will definitely be stunned by Raskell. It enables the user to edit as well as run various programs for the Haskell language and it is available for the iPad and iPhone users.

Dalvik Explorer

This is for you, dear Android fans. A small utility that will tell you all the characteristics of the Android device you’re using. Besides, it can tell you what java.util.TimeZones, environment variables, system properties and java.util.Locales are available for you on whichever devices. What’s more, the app will help you sort through debugging issues.

Code Runner

When all you want to do is test that snippet of JavaScript code, but are then forced  to set up the whole project – does that sound familiar? Code Runner will help you stay away from such complications. The app provides you with an opportunity to quickly run any program in any language and all you need is a simple click! The app includes a set of different programming languages, with users given the option to add more.

Docs & Snippets (Dash)

Does surfing the Internet trying to find the Javadocs of a certain class makes you sick already? Have you already forgotten the angular services methods? What are the parameters of the git command? It’s not a surprise that a lot of people have to first find the URL in Google every time they need to read the Javadocs. But thankfully there’s Dash to help you save time. It’s a sort of Google search created especially for programmers with instant access to a bunch of API documentations.