By 2017, mobile phone penetration will rise to 69.4% of the global population. Statistics also show that consumers actually prefer mobile apps vs mobile sites, and people spend an average of 89% of media time in mobile on apps. The question is how, can entrepreneurs use mobile technology to standout and grow their business? Mobile Future is bringing mobile technology experts to SXSW to discuss the current trends and future of the mobile landscape. The organization educates and informs key decision makers in business and government on the broad range of wireless innovations that are transforming our society. Figuring out what’s next is part of that vision of the future, and what better place than SXSW. Here are a few trends Tech.Co expects to standout during this year’s SXSW conference:

  1. Mobile Payments  Apple Pay proved to be a success for Apple, and can now be used at  220,000 outlets – from national retail chains to your neighborhood store. More companies see an opportunity for their businesses.
  2. Connected  Homes  From saving energy by controlling your lights with your phone to monitoring your home security on your phone, more startups are offering solutions to keep homes connected .
  3. Connected Vehicles Of course, we couldn’t forget about keeping track of you car through your smartphones. Expect to hear about innovations that will keep you up to speed with your car.
  4. Fitness and Wellness More mobile and wearable devices will generate real-time data regarding your body. From tracking blood glucose levels following meals to sleep quality as indicated by REM cycles, there are ways to stay healthy using your phone. Of course we expect to be surprised during SXSW. Join us for the Mobile Future and Tech Cocktail Startup Lunch: The Wireless Meetup on Saturday, March 14 in Downtown Austin. In addition to the lunch, where attendees will mix and mingle with other mobile startups, we present lightning mentor chats by special reservation.