Whether a kid wants to be a doctor, astronaut, or entrepreneur, his or her career is going to be all about interaction and technology. Shouldn’t the learning experience stimulate that? There are a slew of interactive education platforms and programs picking up dust in 2013, but four have risen to the top. As a parent, it’s wise to start researching which program might be best for your kids. On the other hand, a hodge-podge collection might be the better approach. It’s time to increase involvement when it comes to education, starting with these top four contenders.

  1. littleBits Based in New York as an open-source library, this platform boasts electronic modules that snap together — kind of like the LEGOs of yore. They’re the perfect solution for more hands-on activities; the type of learning that many kids naturally lean towards. Building prototypes of projects while getting a solid dose of electronics education in the process is the perfect “building block” for future engineers. By using these “little bits,” kids begin to understand exactly how electronics come together. Prices for packages range from $89 to $149, so there’s truly something for everyone and every budget.
  2. Roominate Developed by engineers who are committed to gender balance in the STEM, Roominate is a kit that features modular pieces, a motor circuit, connectors, and walls so children have everything they need to design furniture or other pieces of a home (or room) such as lights. However, this project isn’t just a product. With funds raised from a Kickstarter campaign, the real purpose is to encourage more children to become technology innovators. Prices range from $30 to $50, which is an affordable way to kick off a career.
  3. Linkbot Kids and robots go together like peanut butter and jelly, and Linkbot makes it easier than ever for kids to become acquainted with the robotics of the future. With a jolt of math and computer programming teaching along the way, these robots are educational as well as modular. Kids have the opportunity to build them piece by piece, and they can effortlessly connect via different pair buttons. It’s also an option to record the motions of the robot, then transfer that information into computer languages including C and Python — then have the robot automatically repeat those motions.
  4. LocoMotive Labs This collection of learning apps is designed especially for special needs kids. By teaching math calculation and how to tell time, kids who struggle with rote memorization can get a leg up via handwriting recognition, number tracing, and other key practices. The apps complement the Common Core State Standards for Pre-K through second grade, which 45 states have already adopted. Although the apps are specially designed for children with special needs, any child can benefit from these activities. How can parents help their kids get more involved with back to school shopping, especially when it comes to items beyond clothes and just-for-fun gadgets? Introducing these types of interactive products is a great way to start off the school year with plenty of ambition and excitement. There’s absolutely no reason why learning and advancing can’t be fun, especially when you match your child to the right product. Check out one of these four options, and you’ll help your budding professional move onto the right track.