A big part of my job is to attend some of these conferences and make the absolute most of them via content production, community connections, and being a face for our brand here at Tech.Co. It does beg an all too important question though: how do you take full advantage of a conference? Cursory Google searches of this question will most likely yield broad sweeping answers, like: you should network to get the most out of a conference – duh. We all know that networking is important, and we all do it on a daily basis in the tech world. However, I think it’s only a small piece of the larger puzzle when it comes to being successful at conferences. That is, there are so many other things you can do to squeeze every last drop of excitement, adventure, and meaning out of any and all conferences you attend. A lot of the subsequent tips in this list are built from my own, personal experience, and they’re field tested to yield solid results. Here are 15 ways you can maximize your conference experience: As it just so happens, we’ve got our annual Celebrate Conference in Downtown Vegas coming up in October. The three day journey will offer attendees access to scintillating workshops, high quality mentor advice, intriguing sessions, and, of course, our Startup of the Year competition. If you’re interested in attending make sure to get your tickets today. Also, make sure to follow these 15 tips in October and soak up any and everything surrounding our celebration of tech in all shapes and sizes. The last thing I’ll say is this: make sure to wear comfortable shoes at any conference you attend! Image Credit: Flickr / Dave Taylor’s page / cropped, resized