Interestingly enough, only 17 days into January is where most people end up leaving their resolution behind, also known as Ditch New Year’s Resolution Day. If you’ve kept up the pace thus far, you’ve only a little more than 300 days to go. If that seems like a long way out, perhaps the advice from entrepreneurs from all walks of life will give you some added inspiration to keep up the wellness efforts:

Jillian Michaels: Keep It Simple

According to world-renowned fitness expert and life coach, Jillian Michaels, it’s all about simplicity. Keep it simple, affordable and accessible. The less strict the better. Anything rigid is hard to stick to: Speaking of simplicity, Michaels recently launched a new fitness anywhere platform, FitFusion, which allows you to stream some of the more popular workout types on any device.

Peter Corbett: Productive Activities

Some of us run, others meditate and do yoga. For Washington, DC’s founder and CEO of iStrategyLabs, Peter Corbett, he’s been on a progressive wellness journey for a healthier lifestyle over the past few years.

Ross McCray: Measure Everything

If you want to achieve a goal, you need to measure wellness milestones leading up to it. For VideoAmp cofounder and CEO Ross McCray, that means measuring everything.

Measures everything, whether it’s sleeping, eating, or working out, put everything in a spreadsheet and then create models over timeTimes everythingWears a heart rate monitor, monitor body weightBig on tracking to use in my performanceNo interest in marathons but have done Spartan Races, Tough Mudders, has taken team to do a Spartan Race

Cyril Paglino: Find A Balance

Being a healthy entrepreneur isn’t all lifting weights and hitting the track. You also need to flex that brain muscle to promote wellness.

Bert Jacobs: Inspire Optimism

For a positive brand dedicated to inspiring optimism, it’s important to have healthy employees – both mentally and physically. Bert Jacobs, chief executive optimist at Life is Good shares how he inspires his team into a healthy atmosphere:

Ryan Croft: Clearing Your Mind

Before kicking off his day, cofounder and COO of DC-based TransitScreen, Ryan Croft, clears his mind.

Carrie Seibert: Meal Prep

Have you ever wondered why Meal Prep Sunday is such a popular thing for fitness, health, and wellness buffs? Besides having a better handle on what you eat throughout the week, it also means you get healthier options than eating out all the time.

Rob Farrow: ‘Board’ Meetings

Board meetings? More like surfboard meetings.

Don Joos: Start Your Day Early

We’re not all morning people, but for ShorTel CEO Don Joos, he starts the day with a bit of ass kicking.

Jamie Johnson: Workout Before You Hunt For Your Food

You need to get out and move. Period. If you spend your entire day in front of a computer, find a way to get out of your seat today! – Jamie Johnson, CEO of FJP Investment

Caleb Parker: C-C-C-Combo Breaker

If you think eating right is the way to go when it comes to wellness, think again. Bold CEO Caleb Parker discusses finding the perfect combination.

Bilal Kaiser: Express Gratitude

Being thankful is about creating a positive mindset in hopes of promoting good among others. And it’s the best way to stay mentally healthy. – Bilal Kaiser, principal at Agency Guacamole

David Laloum: Focus on Now

Living the present isn’t just a saying you find on fortune cookies. It’s one of the keys to living a health life. – David Laloum, founder and CEO of Carts Guru