While the iPhone has become a core symbol of our modern tech, there are some interesting facts about it that most likely don’t know. For example, did you know that the clock icon on the iPhone is actually a complete clock – with the minute- and seconds-hands moving along with the hour-hand. Here are some other random iPhone facts that you probably didn’t know about:

You will be surprised to know that the global sale of iPhone from the year 2007 to 2015 was around $820 million.  Specifically in 2015, more than 231 million iPhones were sold.

Do you know that time is always set to 9:41 in every iPhone Ad. Have you ever thought why Apple does that? Every Apple event always starts at 9A M and the ads are timed to show 40 minutes after the beginning of the event. These first 40 minutes are reserved for presentations. Additionally, there is a delay of almost one minute between the ads and the presentation that is why the time is set at 9:41 not 9:40. You heard it right, the biggest rival of Apple makes the iPhone’s processors. Apple has contracted with Samsung for making the iPhone processors. The fact is that no other brand can fulfill the mass requirement of Apple processors. Only Samsung is capable of supplying such large quantities of processors as Samsung is the second largest mobile brand after Apple.

The number of apps downloaded from iTunes from the year 2008 to June 2016 is around 130 billion. In  2015, 100 billion apps were downloaded. It is incredible to see how the behavior of general people has been changed over the past few years. 72 percent of people in the world use email for communication, and among them almost 33 percent people open emails on their iPhones. Facebook is the most popular app for the iPhone. Facebook messenger has also crossed the 1 billion user-mark worldwide. Facebook messenger gained 100 million users every three months and reached 1 billion milestone. On January 9, 2007, Steve Jobs announced iPhone at the Macworld convention and received huge media attention. Finally later that year, on June 29, 2007 the first iPhone was released. But do you know that the present iPhone was earlier named as “Purple”? But this name never came into existence as the purple name was already taken by another company. After that, the iPhone name was finalized. However, Apple developers still called their development section as ‘Purple Drom’.

The retina screen is created by Apple to provide texts and images with extreme crisp. It has a higher pixel density than the other type of screen. These days, every iPhone has this retina screen. The screen is actually the most expensive part of the iPhone. Just the screen costs around $200 while the iPhone cost around $549. Just after the launch of the iPhone in 2007, Steve Jobs made a call from his iPhone to a Starbucks. Steve jobs ordered 4,000 lattes; however, he canceled the order immediately as the receiver shocked after hearing this. It was a prank call and everyone started laughing as he was making the call from the stage. Yes, before Apple, Cisco already patented the name iPhone. Actually, Cisco launched its VOIP phone for skype calling. They named it ‘iPhone’ and when Apple denominated its phone as iPhone, Cisco sued Apple for its patent name. Finally, a legal agreement was made and both companies agreed to settle the matter.

The first iPhone This may sound unrealistic, but it’s true. The idea for the iPhone came out in the 1980s. That iPhone was a landline of white color. It was a built-in screen controlled phone with stylus. The Apple developer Hartmut Esslinger designed that landline phone. Although, that phone never came into existence.

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