Clear Call to Action (CTA) 

Don’t Ask Too Much 

More and more, sellers ask less from customers. Most ask for an email and one other piece of information. The less you ask, the more customers signup. When making your forms, put yourself in the customer’s shoes. Would you take the time to answer numerous questions? Is the offer worth his/her time? Businesses can often get data-collection crazy and forget how it affects their conversion rate.

Think Like the Customer 

Write your landing page like a human. A robotic sales pitch seems detached, and customers don’t like the monotonous sales tone. Take selling shoes, for example. If a young woman came across a pair of heels in which she may be interested, she’d read the description. Something boring like, “Black seven-inch stilettos with elastic straps and a slight glow. Wear them to a club or out for dinner” wouldn’t be nearly effective as something like, “These seven-inch black stilettos will make any man’s head turn. These gorgeous heels have a beautiful sparkle and are very comfortable.” Engage and captivate.

Don’t Sit Back Idly 

Sitting back and watching the money roll in isn’t part of the marketing world. You have to drive the traffic. A good marketer will use social media such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and blogs. Ads are another great way of generating traffic. Google Adwords, Facebook and Twitter have advertisement programs in which you can enroll. Don’t forget to direct traffic to your site after your landing page.

Two-Step Opt-In 

Instead of having a one-step sign-up process that sits in your window, the two-step sign-up process directs visitors to a separate sign-up form (a lightbox popup window or separate page) after clicking on a CTA. With this method, visitors to your page aren’t immediately pressured into filling out a form that takes front and center on your landing page. The end result means that you capture customer contacts and leads that are actually interested in what you have to offer since they had to first click before filling out the form.

Don’t Cheat 

When things aren’t going so well for months and you’ve hardly had any traffic, it’s tempting to try something riskier. Someone will come to you and tempt you with an easy way to make your traffic skyrocket but don’t fall for it. Cheating is never the answer. You could be stealing another marketer’s work and taking the credit. Not only is it wrong, but your business can be penalized so quickly by Google that you won’t get the chance to blink.

Design for Direction 

Directing customers with design is an important part of conversions. Design where you want customers to look. The key is to lead your visitor’s eye through design. This is a powerful way to control the transaction flow of your site. Focus your imagery around one call-to-action on your page for successful results.

Make it Accessible for All 

One big mistake marketers make is using a website or email that doesn’t work for everyone. You have 4 percent of the world who is colorblind and another 4 percent that is almost completely blind. Many colorblind individuals can’t see color combinations — red and green being the worst offender. Avoid complex color combinations, and use another method besides color. If you’re not sure, run it through a colorblind simulator. For poor-sighted individuals, use large, sharp and contrasted font.


The biggest rule in sales is to test. Test frequently. Test intelligently. Test everything! Good content, design and layout are musts. If you do not take care with your landing page, then your company will suffer. Read more on how to boost your marketing on Tech.Co