Start a Newsletter: No matter if you have a brand new startup company or a business that has been around for a long time with a wide following, there is no better way to keep your audience up to date with the happenings of your business than emailing them a newsletter. The newsletter will bring more traffic to your website and remind people of upcoming events that your business will be holding.

Welcome Emails: By sending your website subscribers a welcome email you are showing them that your business cares about their business. You want to encourage your new members to continue visiting your website and find all of the new offers that you have for them.

Brand Before You Send: Make sure that what you are emailing your business subscribers matches the brand that you are attempting to promote to your audience. If your business is about taking care of household pets, do not send emails about the newest updates on the health care reform.

Link Your Business Information: In every email that your business sends out, make sure that you include the necessary contact information as well as the link to all applicable websites.

Keep the Email Concise: Your audience will get bored if you make your newsletters or emails lengthy. Make sure to stay fresh and concise with your language. Eliminate unnecessary words.

Keep Your Language Clear: Do not use too many words that your audience will have to look up in order to understand. You want your business to sound professional while still appealing to the everyman.

Offer Different Languages: If your business is able to, offer the newsletter in different languages and dialects to maintain a more widespread audience. Offer a translation device or link, as well.

Send Out a Calendar: By sending out a monthly calendar, you will keep all of your business’ events in one place that your audience can keep track of and document for themselves. You can also send out a yearly calendar at either the end or first of the year that details the past year in review and shows what is coming up.

Keep Your Audience Up to Date: If something changes with your company, email your subscribers and business partners. They can then document it and have it on record for later use.

Have a Business Signature: Do not make the email too cutesy; stay direct and to the point in order to maintain your growing audience. As long as you abide by these steps, you will have no problem relishing in the email marketing universe!