Entrepreneurs are not the only group of people that don’t get enough sleep though. College students are infamously sleep deprived due to their hectic class schedule, their active social lives, and their excessive smartphone use. And thanks to one study, we now know exactly which majors are getting the best sleep, and which ones are getting the worst. The study, which was conducted by The Tab and surveyed 1,200 college students, founded that Animal Science majors are getting the least amount of sleep, averaging only 4.9 hours a night. Foreign Language majors come in second at an even 5 hours a night, with Advertising majors rounding out the top three with 5.1 hours per nights. And, just like with entrepreneurs, college students suffer greatly from this level of sleep deprivation. If you’re interested in learning more about which college majors are causing the most sleep deprivation, take a look at the ten worst majors below and check out the full study here for the entire list of 60 college majors!

10 College Majors That Deprive You of Sleep - 52